
作者:星座大神 -
How Many People are Gemini in the World?

Gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac, spanning between May 21 and June 20. People born under this sign are said to be communicative, curious, and adaptable. But have you ever wondered how many people in the world are actually Gemini? Let's dive into the statistics and find out.

First of all, it's important to analyze the global population. As of 2021, the estimated world population is around 7.9 billion. According to astrology, each astrological sign has a 30-degree slice of the 360-degree circle that represents the entire zodiac. Therefore, each sign should cover approximately 1/12 of the population, which would be 657 million people worldwide.

However, this estimation assumes that every sign has an equal number of births throughout the year, which is not entirely accurate. In reality, there are some months that have slightly more or less births than others. For example, September is the most popular birth month globally, while February is the least common.

Moreover, different regions of the world may have different frequencies of Gemini births due to cultural, social, and economic factors. For instance, in India, where astrology is deeply ingrained in the culture, births are often planned according to the most auspicious astrological date and time, which may favor or avoid certain signs.

Despite these variations, we can still look at some general statistics to estimate the number of Geminis in the world. According to a study conducted by the University of California, the most common astrological sign in the United St【更多相关资讯请访问wWw.456786666.COm>恒铭星座】ates is Scorpio, followed by Virgo and then Gemini. In Europe, the most frequent sign is Virgo, followed by Gemini and then Pisces. In Brazil, the most prevalent sign is Cancer, followed by Aquarius and then Gemini.

Based on these rankings, we can infer that Gemini ranks among the top three signs in most regions, meaning that it should have a considerable number of representatives in the world. However, we still lack a precise number or percentage.

Another way to gauge the prevalence of Gemini is to look at the birth rate by month. In the northern hemisphere, where the majority of the world population lives, May and June are the months when most babies are born. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, May has an average of 3.707 million births, while June has 3.662 million births.

Assuming each month has an equal distribution of astrological signs, we can say that around 618,000 babies born in May and June are Gemini. This estimation corresponds to around 7.9% of the total births in both months, which is slightly above the global average of 7.7% of the Gemini population.

Of course, this method is not entirely accurate, as the birth rate by month may have fluctuated over time and may vary by country. Also, it does not account for the variation within the Gemini sign, which has three decans with distinct characteristics.

In conclusion, while we cannot know the exact number of Geminis in the world, we can infer that it ranges between 600,000 and 700,000 people born each May-June and that it ranks among the top three most common signs in most regions. As for whether or not astrology is a valid science or individuals' astrological sign affects their personality, that is an open debate that depends on personal beliefs and experiences.

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