As a Virgo, I take pride in my attention to detail and love for organisation. However, navigating the world of English has been a journey filled with ups and downs.
Growing up in a multilingual household, I was exposed to several languages and English happened to be one of them. In school, I struggled with picking up the language as quickly as my peers. It wasn't until I got into high school that I took it upon myself to improve my skills.
My Virgo tendencies led me to create a detailed plan to improve my English. I set a goal to read one English book per month and to listen to English songs and watch English TV shows to improve my listening skills. I also took up writing as a hobby, practicing every day to improve my grammar and vocabulary. Slowly but surely, my English skills started to improve.
As I entered university, I was introduced to a whole new level of English proficiency. Academic writing was a whole different ball game, and my organizational skills came in handy when it came to structuring essays and research papers. I also began to understand the importance of reading critically and analysing texts in depth.
However, the biggest challenge for me was still speaking. My Virgo tendency to overthink and focus on minor details often led to stuttering and anxiety when speaking in English. But with regular practice, I started to gain confidence and gradually improved my speaking skills.
Overall, my Virgo traits have played a significant role in my journey to improving my English. My love for organisation and attention to detail has helped me in academic writing, while my determination and focus have kept me motivated to continue practicing and improving my language skills. It hasn't been easy, but I'm proud of how far I've come as a Virgo navigating the world of English.